Book cover of "A Maine Artist's Garden Journal" by Shelter Institute, showcasing captivating illustrations of New England gardens with flowers, a cat, a chipmunk, a bird, a butterfly, and a bee.

A Maine Artist's Garden Journal

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In stock at 873 US-1, Woolwich, ME 04579

A Maine Artist's Garden Journal

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873 US-1, Woolwich, ME 04579

Usually ready in 24 hours

873 U.S. 1
Woolwich ME 04579
United States


Author: Loretta Krupinski
Publisher: Down East Books, 2006
Hard cover, 11.0"x9.0", 80 pages

This is a beautifully illustrated book of gardening in Maine, written by Maine resident, Loretta Krupinski. It is a blending of entries from Krupinski's own garden journal and general information. It is meant to be a quick and concise reference for your fingertips.

It contains advice and poetic musings on plants, shrubs, and vegetables grown in midcoast Maine. However, plants grown in Maine are common to all of New England's gardens. Hardiness is the only factor that separates midcoast Maine gadens.

This is a treasure-trove of information and a treat for the eyes.

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