Questions about our in-person classes? Read our most commonly asked questions below.

Each of the different classes have their own requirements. In particular, you will need a complete set of your own tools for the Post and Beam Class (complete list here). For the more comprehensive two, three, and fifteen week classes, the requirements are not as strict, but useful tools include:

  • Calculator that can calculate square root
  • Notebook
  • Writing instruments
  • Drafting equipment (will be provided)
  • Camera (or the one on your smartphone)
  • Hand saw, portable drill, sliding T-bevel, tape measure, chisel, hand plane (Saw Horse workshop)
  • Hammer, tool belt for work on-site (optional)

When you register for a class at the Shelter Institute, we send you our housing list which offers about forty special places to stay within commuting distance of our campus. Prices start at $100 per week for a room in one of our host's homes. You may decide to rent a cottage near the water for $400 or more per week. Some of our students choose to camp or even bring their own RV to stay in. And, of course, there are hotels and motels nearby. You choose accommodations that suit your particular needs. A car is very helpful, but some more ambitious students have gotten by with a bicycle.

In the same way that our students stay in a wide variety of places, they eat a wide variety of foods. There are many restaurants within 5 miles of the campus. There is a grocery store, convenience store, and pizza place about one mile down the road. Many people bring bag lunches and prepare meals while they are here. Some accommodations come with kitchen privileges. There are also several evening events during our classes. The three-week class typically sees a night out at a local restaurant as a group, an evening barbecue, and a final pot luck supper. Bring what you like to eat, and be prepared to share.

Don't see your question?

Fill out a form, call us, or stop by our store and we will do our best to answer it.
