Building Outdoor Gear: Easy-to-Make Projects for Camping, Fishing, Hunting, & Canoeing: Canoe Paddle, Pack Frame, Reflector Oven, Trip Boxes, Bucksaw & Other Trail-Tested Projects
Building Outdoor Gear: Easy-to-Make Projects for Camping, Fishing, Hunting, & Canoeing: Canoe Paddle, Pack Frame, Reflector Oven, Trip Boxes, Bucksaw & Other Trail-Tested Projects

Building Outdoor Gear: Easy-to-Make Projects for Camping, Fishing, Hunting, & Canoeing: Canoe Paddle, Pack Frame, Reflector Oven, Trip Boxes, Bucksaw & Other Trail-Tested Projects

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Build safe, comfortable gear for your outdoor adventures! Projects include:

  • Canoe or boat seat
  • Canoe chair
  • Pack frame
  • Paddles
  • Trip box
  • Canoe motor mount
  • Bucksaw
  • Hatband
  • Reflector Oven

In this book, you'll find a variety of fun and functional projects for the outdoor enthusiast. From a canoe paddle to a pack frame to a reflector oven—you'll find the instruction you need to make items that keep you safe and comfortable on your adventures.

Besides the great outdoor equipment you can build from this book, there is detailed information on the use of epoxy technology—the greatest boon to the outdoorsman since the birch bark canoe!

A generous collection of hints, tips, ideas, and recipes will make your days outdoors more enjoyable and productive.

If you're an outdoorsman, you know that outdoor people don't make their own gear to "save money." The fly fisherman who ties his own flies or makes her own rods will readily admit, if they are honest, that they have more money tied up in inventory and tools than they would ever have spent on store-bought flies or fly rods! Economy isn't the objective; it is the satisfaction of making something, and then seeing it do what it was designed to do—and do it well! Outdoor DIYers will argue that what they make is better than what they can buy. And they're right!

Inside Building Outdoor Gear, Revised Second Edition, author Gil Gilpatrick, winner of the 2010 Legendary Maine Guide Award, shares his decades of wilderness experience with nine trail-tested projects. You'll find clear, concise instructions for making the equipment you need for a pleasant outdoor adventure, whether you're camping, fishing, hunting, or canoeing.

This revised second edition of Building Outdoor Gear includes plans and patterns for classic outdoor essentials, along with step-by-step directions featuring color photos.

As a hands-on Outdoor Resources teacher, Gil has perfected methods for making sporting equipment that meets the demands of the most serious enthusiast. Show your pride on the trail with hand-built goods that really work!

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